Press coverage and response to JETT: The Far Shore + Given Time are accumulating here.
Advance responses to JETT: Given Time from January 2023.
“…we’re left rapt at some of the sights and sounds, particularly the enticing glow around Tor’s summit. At top speed - particularly when accommodating nearby alien presences - the camera zooms as far out as it dare, the jett now barely a few pixels wide on the screen, only the direction of travel letting you determine nose from tail. We dance with the wisps, follow one displaying a rainbow helix as it hares through a row of loops, gathering vapour deposits to cool our scramjets so that we can keep our finger on the accelerator. As we weave between hazards, finger ready on the brake for sharper turns, we’re reminded that this is, at heart, a snowboarding game - designed to evoke the exhilarating sensation of carving a route through powder.”
-”Show me the wonder” positive preview by Chris Schilling at Edge magazine.

JETT’s DIY science fiction moonshot boldly goes for it.
Now, it’s starting to resonate.
Positive reviews for JETT: The Far Shore from October 4th, 2021
“Jett places all of its emphasis on the unsettling, awe-inspiring, and utterly alien beauty of it all.
Jett: The Far Shore isn’t comforting; at times, it’s sad and even bleak.
But it’s a gorgeous journey that’s worth the time regardless, despite a few snags.”
- “Majesty of space” positive review by Cass on Polygon.
“Jett messed with my dreams for a couple of days, which you can take as an endorsement.
While I was a little disappointed to see the story end on a cliffhanger, that's for the best.
You should "always leave 'em wanting more," and I want a hell of a lot more Jett: The Far Shore. ”
- 9/10 Dreamiest Existential Crisis by Nadia Oxford on Inverse
“Something special. A quick jaunt that lingers in the mind thanks to breezy movement,
picturesque locales, and a story that offers plenty of tasty food for thought.”
- 8/10 Jess Kinghorn for PLAY Magazine
“For open-minded players The Far Shore could well be 2021’s most captivating videogame destination.
Unlike Isao, they won’t regret making the trip.”
- 8/10 Chris Shilling of Edge Magazine
“If you like your games to be almost violently opposed to you having a good time, to offer you incredible wonders but then command them to kill you, play this.
If you like your games to stir sensations wildly disconnected from power fantasies or comfy escapes, play this.
If you like your games to simply be different to what you're used to, to deviate from expectations in real time,
and to leave you in awe of their ideas and aspirations, just staring at the screen after it's all wrapped, play this.”
- 9/10 by Mike Diver for GAMINGbible.
Posts on PlayStation.Blog about JETT: The Far Shore.
If you dig these posts, smash that like button on ‘em.
Listen in to JETT: The Far Shore’s creators talk…
Eggplant - The Secret Lives of Videogames
1.5hr podcast
“Envisioning JETT: The Far Shore”
Craig D. Adams - Superbrothers A/V, Patrick McAllister - Pine Scented
Listen to the podcast:
Craig D. Adams - Superbrothers A/V, C Andrew Rohrmann - scntfc
Watch the interview:
Further readings…
Chris Kerr at Game Developer
Wrangling the grand, interstellar ambitions of Jett: The Far Shore
Read the interview here:
Lewis Gordon for WIRED
Jett: The Far Shore Imagines Conscientious Space Colonization
Read the piece here:
Slot 3 TBD